Please join us for a fun evening. Open to all even if you’ve never played! This will be open play not bracket play. Bring a racquet if you have a favorite/personal one, wear court/athletic shoes, and come to have fun and network!
Limited Space.
Date: Monday June 17, 2024
Time: 4:00pm – 7:00pm
Location: Pints and Paddle in Maple Grove
15450 Grove Cir N, Maple Grove, MN 55369
Cost: $50 Member/$100 Non-Member
Registering includes open pickleball play for 3 hours, 2 drink tickets, and food!
Please let us know your experience level: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Sponsorships are also open!
Platinum Sponsor: $500
Get top billing as event sponsor, listing on all eblasts/website, event banner, logo on website home page, online registration webpage and confirmation email, 4 tickets to pickleball, welcome message to group at event
Gold Sponsor: $250
Sponsor Food/Bevvy sponsor, 2 tickets to event, logo on website home pate, listing on all eblasts/website
Silver Sponsor: $125
Sponsor Vendor Table (check in): banner on check in table, 1 ticket to event, logo on website home page, listing on all eblasts/website
Bronze Sponsor: $125
Racquet and ball sponsor – banner or signage by racquets, 1 ticket to event, logo on website home page, listing on all eblasts/website
Gift Card Sponsor: $50
Raffle drawing for Dick’s gift cards